Eden cool solutions provided efficient services for the storage and quick-freezing of aviation catering, bringing freshness throughout the long journeys.
In addition to meeting the basic temperature requirements for freezing and cold storage, Eden’s all-round cool solutions also adheres to the advantages of energy saving and environmentally friendly. Thus, fulfilling customer’s interest and improving the economic efficiency for enterprises.
A stable, efficient, quiet, and environmentally friendly cooling solution is not only a guarantee of a high-end hotel’s comfort and reputation, but also saves them a huge operational cost. Hence, Eden has become a loyal partner of many five-star hotels.
The temperature fluctuations throughout the refrigerated transportation process cause degradation of food quality. Eden has helped customers to complete their high quality transportation and distribution at a reduced cost and being environmentally
5、Food Processing
Eden fully considered various food processing environments and adopted low-noise processing technology, which can effectively reduce the noise generated by the operation of refrigeration equipment. Thus, creating a quiet and comfortable working environment for enterprise.
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