Block ice is a kind of rectangular iceweightcan be customized1kg~200kg.Large dimension but small contact area means block ice does not melt easily Among the common ice types in tropical countries block ice has its own unique advantages.Block ice are convenient for storage,handling and transportation and are very important for small-scale fisheries and relatively remote areas.ZKGYLLdirectcooling block ice machines are stable and energyefficient,simple to use andcost-effective to maintain.

Direct Cooling Block lce Machine
Block ice Applications: Fishingindustry,fresh keeping,foodprocessingcooling,chemical industryand other fieldsThetransparent ice more used for ice sculpture,ice show etc.
Direct Cooling BlockIce Machine Features
2、Aerospacealuminum alloy6063-T5,high heat transfer coefficient,high strength and robust evaporator by enhanced weldingtechnology;
3、Direct heatexchange between the water and refrigerant in aluminum evaporator brings higher ice making efficiency,thus ice forms 1.5 times faster than ordinary ice machine which uses brine water;
4、Easy-to-operate screw rod lifting mechanism gets feedback from the distance sensor which can realize more precise andsafecontrol:
5、Passive reservoir control method applied to specify precise liquid supply,which increases ice making efficiency and systemreliability;
6、Automatic water addingfunction by back type liquid level control technology: Siliconefoamsealavoidsevaporatordrippingproblem;
7、Unique refrigeration system,using hot gas defrost technology makes easier and automaticice harvest? Integrated modulardesign facilitates installation and maintenance on the spot; Foodgrademanufacturing process,totallycomplies with food standard.